What is EnviGreen?

Envigreen Biotech India Private Ltd produces India’s first 100% biodegradable substitute to plastics.

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What is our technology?

Envigreen is not just a brand, it is a Green Technology.

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What is our product range?

Envigreen products can be used in all walks of life

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How can you partner with us?

Envigreen is on a mission to make the world plastic free and you can join us too

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The world's annual consumption of plastic materials has increased from around 5 million tons in the 1950s to nearly 100 million tones today.
EnviGreen's mission is to replace plastic used in day to day use with a sustainable eco-friendly alternative.

100% Organic

Our bags are made from natural starch & vegetable oil derivatives which makes it a true organic product

100% Biodegradable

Our bags softens in water & dissolves in hot water. It also passes biodegradable test (internal).

100% Ecofriendly

It contains no conventional plastic and non-toxic to the environment, animals and plants.